Mike Petrovića Alasa 12-14 11351 Vinča, Beograd
Area of Expertise:
- bioinformatics, protein-protein interactons, intrinisically disordered proteins, protein interactions as drug targets
Link to Research Webpage(s):
- //www.vin.bg.ac.rs/180/contact.php?lang=en
Link to Tool Webpage(s):
- //www.vin.bg.ac.rs/180/tools/tfpred.php
Role in the COST action
Role in the Project:
Your Role in Working Group(s):
Contribution to the Project
I lead the team which works on software development and we are interested in protein-protein interactions in transcriptional regulation and in transcription-related function annotation. The curation of gene regulation knowledge is one of the basics dependencies for our computational tools.
To the GREEKC network, we can offer a perspective of users of ontologies and vocabularies. We are interested in creating use cases. We are interested in exploring tools interoperability. One of our main research interests is how to efficiently integrate changes and new versions of ontologies and vocabularies with models developed by supervised machine learning approaches. I believe that the GREEKC will enable fruitful collaborations in this domain.