- Gene expression regulation
- Transcription factor binding site
- MicroRNA

- //mathelierlab.com
- //github.com/wassermanlab/BiasAway
- //cagedop.cmmt.ubc.ca/CAGEd_oPOSSUM/
- //github.com/amathelier/DNAshapedTFBS
- //intervene.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- //manta.cmmt.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/manta/manta.py
- //cisreg.cmmt.ubc.ca/TFFM/doc/
- //jaspar.genereg.net/
- //tagc.univ-mrs.fr/remap/
Role in the COST action
Contribution to the Project
A key aspect of this Cost Action is the inter-connection of multiple resources dedicated to the study of gene expression regulation. To achieve this goal, the scientific community needs to address the need of interoperability between the multiple existing resources. We are currently involved in the development of the ReMap database (processing and storing ChIP-seq dataset to create a catalogue of cis-regulatory regions in human) and the JASPAR database. We foresee that these resources as well as other resources related to gene regulation (such as the RSAT tools, the Eukaryotic Promoter Database, cis-Regulon) should be inter-connected to allow the scientific community to leverage the power of these multiple resources.
This COST action will strengthen existing collaborations and create new ones for the analyses of gene expression regulation (e.g. with Dr. Jacques van Helden, Dr. Benoît Ballester, Dr. Stein Aerts).